How does the challenge work?

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Nedd is completing his challenge between the 3rd and 13th of October and Australia (YOU) will be completing your challenge between the 20th and 29th of October. You choose something that makes you uncomfortable and commit to doing that every day for 10 days between the 20th and 29th of October. There isn't much more to it except it has to be uncomfortable to YOU and you have to do it every day for 10 days.

It can be anything from a fitness-based challenge to something that might test your discipline or willpower. See Choosing Your Challenge for more info!

When is Nedd's Uncomfortable Challenge taking place?

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Nedd is completing his challenge between the 3rd and 13th of October and Australia (YOU) will be completing your challenge between the 20th and 29th of October.

How do I sign up?

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Registrations are now open.

Click here:

What type of uncomfortable challenge can I do?

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Look at some of our challenge examples on the Choosing Your Challenge page.

Do I have to fundraise to particpate?

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No, you can complete your uncomfortable challenge without raising money, although we encourage you to fundraise too!

Does it cost anything to get involved?

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There is no cost to get involved.

How do I track my uncomfortable challenge?

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Yes - sign in on this website to tick off milestones, track your progress, and share with your community online.


How do I fundraise?

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Although fundraising is not compulsory we do strongly encourage it. As part of your sign up process you will nominate your fundraising target which you will then be able to share as part of your profile with your communities.

Your friends and family will be able to donate straight to your profile.

We encourage you to share this with as many people as you can.

Where do the donations go?

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Every dollar raised goes towards We Are Mobilise, our charity partner who support getting homeless people off the street and into housing.

Is my donation tax deductable?

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Yes - We Are Mobilise Limited is an ACNC nationally registered charity with DGR status. Donations over $2 are tax deductible in Australia. You will receive a receipt via email which you may use for tax purposes.

Can I create a Facebook Fundraiser?

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You can set up a Facebook Fundraiser that is linked to your partcipant profile and dashboard. If you follow the Facebook Fundraiser links from your dashboard you will be able to set it up.

What other things can I do to raise money?

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You could create a team and choose a fundraising target as a group so that you're doing it together.

You can host a fundraising event!

You also might want to organise something for the last day of the 10 day challenge, where you get together as a community and help raise last minute donations.

How do I make sure my donations go towards my team?

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When you set up your profile make sure you have searched and selected your team or create a team.

You should notice that when you log in your fundriaing goal should be your team's fundriaing goal.

Can I fundraise for another chairty?

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In support of Nedd's Uncomfortable Challenge, for this campaign we will be focusing on raising money for We Are Mobilise to support people experiencing homelessness in Australia.

Who is We Are Mobilise?

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Mobilise exists to unite Australia to end homelessness by developing innovative solutions that positively transform the lives of those facing it. They pilot, iterate, and deliver life-changing support at scale.

Their work is not just about providing assistance. It's about learning from those with lived experience. Eight years of outreach conversations have directly impacted the development of their programs. With those learnings and armed with over $2 million raised from Nedd's Record Run in 2022, they have already positively transformed the lives of 100+ program participants.

As the first charity to launch direct cash transfer programs for this population in Australia, they are paving the way for public acceptance of this approach.


Can our team sign up to do a group challenge?

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Yes, you can have multiple people doing the same or different uncomfortable challenges from the one team but all fundraising towards the same target.

Does our team all have to do the same challenge at the same time?

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You can each inidividually complete your own uncomfortable challenge in your own time or all do the same challenge each day together. Whatever works for you and your team.

Do we set an individual or team fundraising target?

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If you are participating in an uncomfortable challenge as part of a team you should fundraise as a team and towards an overarching team target.

How do I create a team?

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When you sign up, the third step will ask you to search for your team if they are pre-exisiting and already set up. Otherwise you can create your team, set your fundraising goal and then share with your team mates to get others signed up.


How do I reset my passsword?

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If you’ve managed to misplace your password, no biggie, it happens to the best of us!

Please go to the login page and click on 'Forgot Password.'

You will receive an email with a link to reset your password.

Don't forget to jot it down somewhere safe this time 😜

Do I have to be in Australia to do my challenge?

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No, you can be anywhere in the world.